From the recording Summer, Winter, Fall & Spring


Summer, Winter, Fall, and Spring
Music/Lyrics-John Gentry Tennyson

Tender kisses from your lips
Sweet honey dripping fingertips
Lovers and friends we met one day

Verse 2:
You held my hand and touched my heart
These things we have will never part
My love for you remains always

Verse 3:
Then you said these magic words
“My Dear you’re so amazing”
Like the Sun your smile shines so bright

Summer, Winter, Fall and Spring Summer, Winter, Fall and Spring
Summer, Winter, Fall and Spring
Can really hang you up the
Most when lovers sing…
Seasons change everything.

(Instrumental solo)

Summer, Winter, Fall and Spring
Summer, Winter, Fall and Spring
Summer, Winter, Fall and Spring
Can really hang you up the
Most when lovers sing…
Seasons change everything.

Verse 4:
Open up and let me in
Let’s run away and start again
Lovers Forever and a day

Verse 5:
Hold my hand and touch my heart
These things we do will never part
My love for you remains always

Verse 6:
Summer, Winter, Fall and Spring
My Dear you’re so amazing
Like the Sun your smile shines so bright

Summer, Winter, Fall and Spring
Summer, Winter, Fall and Spring
Summer, Winter, Fall and Spring
Can really hang you up the
Most when lovers sing…
Seasons change everything.